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《2006年海事劳工公约》生效在即,而国内立法和政策制定等方面尚不完备。该公约集中体现国际海上劳工法律的最新发展趋势,对改善海员这一特殊劳动群体的海上劳动状况和权益保障有着深远的意义。通过分析中国海员行业所面临的形势及海员权益保障方面存在的问题,强调中国确有加入公约的必要性,同时通过介绍和比较部分有代表性国家和地区的履约准备情况,提出加强中国海员权益保障的相关建议。  相似文献   
原有农用运输车管理体制存在的问题,导致了近年来农用运输车交通事故率大幅度上升的情况。目前,正值《道路交通安全法》的颁布实施,为加强农用运输车的管理,有必要采取一些行之有效的对策。  相似文献   
China and some of its trade partners in Western Europe apply different legal regimes for international carriage of goods by railway — respectively Agreement on International Railway Freight Transportation (SMGS) and Uniform Rules Concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM). For transportation of goods by railway between China and Western Europe both the CIM and the SMGS are often applicable. China’s initiative “the Belt and Road” promotes development of railway transport in Eurasia and creates new incentives for comparative study between those two international legal systems. This article provides a brief historical outline of comparative studies between the CIM and SMGS. This article also purports to show that some similarities and differences between the two regimes might be better understood from the perspective of comparative legal history. Taking into account inter alia the common origin of the current versions of the CIM and SMGS in the 4th revision of the CIM of 1933, differences and similarities between two legal regimes have been analysed with regard to the following topics: the scope of application of the CIM and SMGS; the nature of the carrier’s liability under the CIM and SMGS; exclusivity of the CIM, exclusivity of the contract of carriage under the SMGS; period of responsibility; persons for whom the carrier is liable.  相似文献   
冷战结束以后,日本重视东亚海洋安全问题,倡议建立亚洲反海盗多边合作机制,在筹建地区海洋安全合作机制进程中取得主导地位。日本借此介入并主导马六甲—新加坡海峡地区反海盗执法联合行动,在地区国际政治舞台上发挥作用,并对地区关系产生影响。日本的主动行动隐含排斥美国、牵制中国的意图,为日本未来在亚洲海上安全领域发挥作用打下基础。  相似文献   
"张力"是英美新诗批评所主张和实践的文学批评术语,意为在整体诗歌的有机体中却包含着共存的互相矛盾、背向而驰的辨证关系.晚唐杰出的悲情诗人李商隐创作的优秀诗篇《锦瑟》具有强大的张力艺术魅力,显示出诗意的多向度性与多层面性、诗人情感的浓烈而不平衡性,诗歌语言的蕴藉性和思辨性、诗歌意境的虚实相生性等张力特征.  相似文献   
我国现行的海事、海商案件是依照《民事诉讼法》为基础审理的,但《民事诉讼法》并不能完全保障具有特殊专业性和较强国际性的《海商法》的有效实施。而《海事诉讼特别程序法》又不具有独立的程序法地位。进行程序法的体制改革,制定独立的海事诉讼法,是实现海事司法公正的重要条件。  相似文献   
在海上货物运输活动中 ,经常遇到留置权问题 ,很多国家法律对此都作了规定。我国《海商法》对货物留置权的主要规定体现在该法第 87条和 88条之中。由于规定比较笼统 ,加之海上货物运输关系所具有的复杂性 ,使理论和实践对留置权问题产生了不同理解。本文对海运货物留置权的性质、范围、留置权与诉前扣货、般舶留置权与货物留置权等问题作了探讨。  相似文献   
The Belt and Road, unveiled by President Xi Jinping in late 2013, is China’s most ambitious geo-economic and foreign policy initiative in decades, combining a land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and a sea-based 21st Century Maritime Silk Road which connect China to Europe. With this grandiose initiative, Beijing seeks to tackle industrial overcapacity at home and acquire political influence abroad through investment. Sitting at the end-point of the maritime Silk Road, Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean have been the main focus of investment in infrastructure projects so far. If managed successfully by both sides, China’s Belt and Road could be a great opportunity for a European continent that is still struggling to recover from the crisis. What is urgently needed in Europe is a comprehensive response to China’s new initiative, with the focus not only on the economy and trade, but also on the monetary and financial aspects of the Belt and Road, including discussion of the political and security implications of Beijing’s inroads into Europe and its neighbourhood.  相似文献   
道路交通安全是各国政府共同关注的问题,加、澳两国是世界公认的交通发达国家,多年积累起来的丰富的交通管理经验、现代交通工程理念、规范完善的工作机制对遏制道路交通事故发生、确保畅通安全发挥了很大作用,对我国发展现代化交通管理提供了借鉴.  相似文献   
在今后相当长的时间,警力无明显增长,道路交通形势日益严峻。深化交通勤务机制改革,提高一线交警执法效能是一个重要课题。根据现代科学管理理念,针对影响交警执法效能的瓶颈因素,公安交通管理要创新手段、科学管理、科技强警、以人为本、突出重点、保障有力,以发展和探索的思路提高交通管理的科技含量,充分发挥民警的积极性和创造力,为公安交通管理工作再上新台阶奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   
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